Monday, February 22, 2010

3 Ways to Bowl, or Oh My Gosh, How are These My Kids

Now I like bowling, it's not my favorite past-time, but every once in a while I think it is "good fun" (yes, I turned into a stodgy 1960's old man). For all the enjoyment bowling has given me I have never had any of the reactions my kids displayed this last trip bowling:

I guess Ethan is in the "I could care less" category. I know his rolls were a little slow, but to just turn your back and enjoy a candy while waiting shows a real lack of enjoyment.

Ella falls into the "SO Very Competitive" category. She would run up, get in position, and if she knocked down less than 5 pins was upset.

Livi falls into more of the "I can't believe you get to throw things for fun" category. Listen for the laugh, it's faint, but there!

1 comment:

Joan said...

Makes me want to go bowling.