Tuesday, April 27, 2010

When Binkies Attack, or I Live to Make Julia Smile

I was making breakfast this morning (I know, amazing, but not what the story is about) when Ella decided Livi needed her blankie while eating sticky, syrupy french toast. I raced over and took the blankie from Livi not knowing that Ella had packaged the blankie like a dirty bomb, full of binkies. At least 4 binkies jumped out at me, trying desperately to wound me in some way (okay, so basically they fell down on my feet). I heroically fended off the maniacal binkies, but one made it past my defenses and landed with it's sharp (dull) plastic edge directly on the soft part where your toenail starts growing on your toe.
You may think it fortuitous that I had my camera on hand, but honestly I ran to get the camera because I couldn't stop laughing. It was so ridiculous to be beat up by a baby pacifier. Turns out that camera had a low battery and I had to head downstairs to get my digital SLR, leaving a trail of gore behind me (one or two drops of blood).
Here is the result from my heroic, albeit short, battle with the binkies:
No, that is not blood on my actual toenail, just a very bad manicure, the rest all over my toe is blood however. I like how Olivia is looking at the binkie like she can't believe the power she holds in her hands:


Lindsey said...

That is crazy; I never would have guessed a binky could do that. Ouch.

Julia said...

Holy binkie! I do love the picture of Livi holding it with awe, haha! I can't wait to see them. Thanks for the posts!

Andrew said...

Awesome post (as usual). I must admit that it's going to end up changing my parenting style somewhat. I used to check on Ebby before going to bed just to make sure he was ok. Now I'm going to check his crib to make sure he's not filing through the bars with his binky. Hope your toe feels ok.