Thursday, June 9, 2011

Last Day of School... (A Month Ago)

So my kids are totally spoiled and got out of school the 3rd week of May. I went to go spend time with them on their last days since I was one of the room moms for Ella and THE room mom for Ethan. The school was great and had lots for them to do, and of course Livi thought she should be able to participate as well. Luckily she is the same size as some of the Kindergartners so no one even looked twice.(Ella and Livi playing the bean bag toss. They both made some, of course. It's that Stott blood.)

(Livi with bubbles on her nose. This was her favorite activity and came home with about a cup full of bubbles on her head.)

We stayed outside at the carnival area for both kids and it was COLD!!! We've had an unseasonably cold spring, but that didn't stop my cold blooded Ethan from not only not wearing a jacket to go outside but out right refusing to even bring a jacket to school that day. Oh well, the kids all seemed to have fun even if I was so cold I was shivering.(Caleb and Ethan couldn't seem to keep the hula-hoops going on their non-existent hips so they found a way to make it work)

Ella's class walked over to the art center for part of the fun, and everyone agreed this portrait looked like Ella. They also found one they said looked like me (which incidentally was of an overweight, unattractive woman) but I "forgot" to get a photo of me next to it.

Ella seems to be the kiss of death for teachers. She had an amazing preschool teacher, whom I really wanted for Livi, but she retired right after her class. Mrs. Cauble has been amazing Kindergarten teacher and I was looking forward to Livi having her as well, but I found out this is her last year as well. Watch out first grade teachers, someone is going to retire next year!(The last group hug for the last class)

Ethan's class had chocolate milk and played that game, which name escapes me, where you "dance" and then freeze when the music stopped. You have to admire Ethan's "strategy" (and the fact he looks exactly like you would imagine Sheldon dancing!).


Julia said...

It's called "Musical Statues", I believe, and Ethan is too funny!

Anonymous said...

Too bad it was so cold outside, but it looked like the kids managed ok. That picture really does look like Ella! Kids sure have a lot of energy-I'm so jealous!:)