Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pain Is Not My Friend

I am so grateful to live in a time and place where we have such advanced medicine. I cannot comprehend watching a loved one die from a simple infection, or the flu. I am grateful I can run to Walmart and get medicine so I don't even have to deal with stuffy sinus' (although some days I'd rather have the flu than clogged sinus'). I am grateful for modern medicine and that I could be awake when I had my C-sections and be part of my children's births. I am grateful my brother has a medicine that keeps him not only alive, but generally symptom free. I am grateful for diabetes medicine, heart medicine, antidepressants, antibiotics, and especially pain medicine (except Morphine, which tries to kill me when I take it).


jes said...

I just wish his medicine cost less. Stupid pricey drugs, thank heaven for your parents.

Anonymous said...

There are advantages to living in this day and age.
I like the creative picture you posted. Looks like Bayer aspirin. Unfortunately I have a love/hate relationship with Bayer and such.

James said...

I'm also grateful for life-saving medicine. Gummy bears will always have a special place in my heart. Also, I'm thankful for medication that helps with depression and anxiety, and how much that's helped our family as well.