Monday, March 5, 2012

Snake And Snail and Gas Jokes...

I am now the bear den leader in scouts. I have 5-6 awesome boys I get to keep track of. I have spent over $100 just at the scout store on stuff I "have" to have. I have spent over 10 hours doing training and trying to figure all the paperwork out, just in one week. It has been interesting. When we had cubs they made it all worth it:

Me:(trying to teach about nutrition) Our bodies are like cars. Like cars need fuel we need fuel for our bodies.

Boy1: What do cars use?

Me: (Knowing where this is going)Fuel... we need calories...(seeing raised hands)

Boy 2: What is another word for fuel? (snickering behind hand)

Me: our bodies will run better if...(seeing another raised hand)

My Boy: What is another word for petrol? (He reads Tintin so I knew he knew what it was)

Me: (inwardly sighing) Gasoline... so when we put good fuel into...(all boys snickering and raising hands)

Boy 1: What is short 'snicker' for 'snicker' gasoline? (full on laughing).

Me: Big Sigh... Gas

The entire group folds in on itself laughing so hard I thought someone might choke.


Joan said...

I guess boys will always be boys.

Meliss said...

That story just made my night! I can tell your new calling is going to make scouts so much more entertaining and enlightening for me! I just wish you didn't have to spend so much time on it.