Sunday, April 29, 2012

Random Bits of Detritus

My Mom came to visit last month and it suddenly dawned on her that my house had way more storage space than hers (thanks Dad) so she has been systematically sending me packages of "goodies."   By "goodies" I mean random crap from my high school days thrown in a box.  One week it was my old cheerleading uniforms, but also included was my old, used, dirty cheerleading tights.  One week it was old t-shirts and old cassettes I had recorded music on (seeing as I don't own a tape deck and I-Tunes has been invented, I really didn't need those).  This last box was the kicker though.  In it was my beautiful wedding dress...and a box of garbage.  Literally.

This box had old snapple lids, a fast food soda lid, old receipts, decade old candy, and notes to and from my first boyfriend.  All things that could have been thrown away and not shipped across the country.  Although, honestly, I'm not sure I want my mom going through my old notes...and it does kind of make it an adventure when I open the box.  It is like the backpack left at the post office.  It could hold $1,000,000 in cash, or a bomb.  Good surprise or bad surprise?  All you can do is open it and hope the past doesn't blow up too much in your face.

On a totally different note:

Livi is only allowed to have a binkie when she is in her bed.  This has been hard for her, but normally she is pretty good about it.  Today she had the catch 22 of wanting her binkie but wanting to be with people.  She sat in her bed screaming, refusing to come out because that would mean no binkie, but not wanting to be in her room alone.  Eric asked Ethan to "go in and see what Livi needs."  Ethan took the request to heart:


Anonymous said...

Makes me wish I had kept some of my memorabilia. Memories can be fun.
Ethan's a true companion :)

Julia said...

Haha! Well, one man's trash is . . . well, old soda tops are still trash, I don't care who you are. And Ethan is a good big brother!

Joan said...

Maybe I should start mailing all of my kids the things I am still storing from their childhood. I don't think I will find any trash, though. Funny!

Susan said...

What a brother! I loved reading that.