Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Procrastinating Like A Pro, or It's Time For Halloween!

After running out of time 2 years ago when I did our Alice in Wonderland Extravaganza I decided that this year I would start a month earlier...and it is a good thing I did!  The girls and I had a slight disagreement (yelling match) about what our theme would be this year. I let the girls pick out their clothes, I let them have major input on their rooms, but I CARE about Halloween costumes.

We were thinking about Star Wars, which would be awesome, but there are only 2 recognizable female Star Wars characters, and as much as I love Mara Jade, I just didn't want to be asked over and over again who I was, and to have to give 5 minute presentations just so people got it.

I was thinking about doing something different (for us), like "the 20's", or even Avengers, but the girls were resistant to every idea I came up with.  They wanted to be what they want to be every year...princesses.  Well we came up with a compromise.  Any guesses as to what our theme is? (no fair Mom and Jes, who know).  Here is a little hint in the form of pictures of my latest project:

For Livi's hat

The back of the one for Livi's pocket

For Ella's hat.  Yes, he IS sporting an awesome eye patch!

A collection of my mini masterpieces.   I wish they looked a little more mechanical, but for clay I think they turned out ok.


Julia said...

STEAM PUNK, wooo! You should send this link into epbot, she'd love it! Those costumes are gonna be AMAZING, I keep trying to think up themes for our Halloween, but whatever I come up with won't be nearly as awesome as yours.

Sharonbees said...

You made those?! I'm very impressed! (You're definitely your father's daughter!)

James said...

I'm James Beesley, and I approve these creations.