Saturday, October 6, 2012

Randomness, or My September in Pictures

Cadbury made this just for me, I am sure.  A HALLOWEEN CREME EGG!!!

At scouts we played Hymn Book Limbo.  The boys LOVED it! We got down to 4 hymnals.  The trick: Don't forget about your heels.

Livi eating an Olive Garden bread stick for the first time.

The pure cuteness exuded from Tonks is pretty much the only thing keeping me sane.

Super Bailey.  Ethan found this card at Menards that looks exactly like James and Jes' dog in her alternate life.

Livi and Carter on Police Day.

We put up our Halloween decorations and our new thing this year was our graveyard.  Note to self that Styrofoam tombstones don't stand up to Scottsbluff 55 mph wind.  I guess I should change my burial plans now...

Technically not September, but Ella and Maddi wanted their own picture up on a blog (like Ethan and Caleb).  They worked on this cute picture of two princesses under a rainbow for over 30 minutes! Good job girls, it is GREAT!

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