Thursday, November 1, 2012

Getting Baby Hungry....Nope, It's Gone...(or Livi turns 4!)!!

To clarify some comments, I do LOOK skinny in that picture at the pumpkin patch, but I was standing sideways, Ella took the photo from a downwards angle, and the photo tips Aunt Diane gave made me look better than in real life.  I have actually gained back almost half the weight I lost before summer.  Hopefully now that some stresses have been eliminated I can go back to eating healthy (wait, sugar cookies for breakfast isn't healthy?) and exercising more!

Onto Livi:
Olivia, my tiny baby, turned 4 on Sunday.  I can hardly believe it.  With having 3 sisters pregnant, and lots of friends expecting it has been a little bit of a struggle remembering why we are done having kids.  I really don't want another baby, and I totally feel like our family is complete, but I do feel a little like I am being left out of a club.  Or like I was a member of the club, but stopped my membership just before everyone else joined (I'm hipster Mom I guess).  I just feel a little left out is all.

Eric was kind enough to remind me of diapers, midnight feedings, lactose intolerance, monetary cost and I think the biggest for him, my severe postpartum depression.  Once he started the list I snapped back to reality, and decided I am just going to have to spoil all the little ones coming into my life, cuddle them to bits, and then send them off home to their moms to feed, bathe, and change!  Works for me!

Sunday is a hard time to have a birthday since you can't go out to eat, or see a movie, but Livi did get to have everyone around all day, sing in the primary program, go to primary, and play with friends.  She seemed to have a great day!
A pile of presents seem to make the early morning more than bearable!

At church I was on the stand, and the only free row was sitting with the Bagleys, so Eric took the kids over there.  I looked up and realized Eric had let all the kids sit with their respective friends so Livi even got to sit by Carter during Sacrament meeting.  They got into Livi's stickers and put them to good use!

I only had a couple hours to make Livi's cake, so it wasn't as well executed as Ella's, but Livi seemed to like it anyways!
Livi loved Carter's (and the whole Bagley clan's) present, a PURPLE GUITAR!!!  She is still carrying it around the house "composing" songs to "serenade" us all with.
Happy Birthday sweet girl, we love you!


Julia said...

Don't worry, you can cuddle Lincoln all you want at Christmas. And I can remind you why you don't want a baby for realsies with the bags under my eyes, haha.

Julia said...

OH, and I forgot to say that Livi's cake is oober awesome!

Joan said...

I love Livi's cake. Awesome job! Great pics.