Thursday, March 28, 2013


Being the Webelos leader is truly the best calling on the planet.  My favorite part is how much I get to laugh when I am around them.  Here are a few things we've done lately:

Working on Artist.  I brought air-dry clay and told them the only rule I had was they had to sculpt something that was real (no abstract in MY scout group).
Josh's assorted fruit was clearly the most realistic.  Ethan's mammoth behind it...was not.  But he did love making it.
The only problem was that some boys finished before others.  I should have seen it coming, but I naively thought there wasn't much mischief they could get into with clay.  One boy made a ball of clay, threw it at the back of the basketball hoop and it got stuck.  Not like stuck lightly and will eventually fall off.  Stuck, as in will be there forever stuck.

 I tried to get it down, but as much as people think I am humongous, I am not 10 feet tall.  Shocker, I know.  I had to get the men doing bishopric interviews to come help me get it down.  They thought it was hilarious, which I did not at the time.
 We also made collages, and since Eric had to come help with some woodworking we were doing that night the girls had to come too.  Once Eric's job was done he tried to get the girls to go home, but they (Livi) were too interested in completing their "masterpieces."

Livi's.  She had help tying the bow.
Another part of artist is drawing silhouettes.  They boys each took a turn making one while they other boys drew.
This was Ethan's "normal" pose.

After we were done with the normal poses the boys started doing what all boys do with a large light shinning on a wall.  Finger Shadow Puppet Things (ok, I forgot what they are really called).  After a few minutes they started doing silly poses and asked to to take photos so they could see what they looked like, which now that I think about it they could have just turned around.


Anonymous said...

What boys do for fun :) I got a real kick out of their posess! It looks like the men doing the bishopric interviews didn't mind helping out. Maybe they needed a good laugh :)

Julia said...

Those boys are lucky to have you! It looks like everyone is having fun.

Sharonbees said...

Wait, that last comment was from me, Sharon. Our computer's still signed into Julia's account. Aaarrgghh! I'm not sure I'll ever be able to sign in as Sharon again. I need Julia to come back & fix this.

Sharonbees said...

Oh, I guess I can fix it. Never mind.