Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Big Brother Is Watching You, or Our Trip To The Post Office

The preschoolers got to mail their homemade Valentines at the post office in February.

The coolest part was seeing the behind the scenes where they literally have a walk way over the whole operation where someone may or may not be watching the workers at all times.  It was a tunnel with windows placed every foot and in the floor of the walk way.  Very dystopian and I have to admit I didn't take a picture of it while I was there because I was afraid someone was in there and would see me... and I would feel stupid...because that would be horrible.
At the end they weighed the entire class on their industrial scale (786 lbs) and gave all the kids some candy in a mail bag.
Super fun and interesting and I can honestly say I want to be the person that may or may not exist in the tunnel on the ceiling who may or may not be watching you!

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