Saturday, June 8, 2013

Snippets of Livi

The last post took a long time to publish, just because it was painful to write, and read.  Now that I am leaving on vacation I realize I have a lot to catch up on and if I don't write about it now then when I go to make my photo album the pages will just have "Ella's Birthday" and "Ella's Baptism" with no description. So now it is crunch time.

Day 10: Describe your most embarrassing moment.
Too many to pick one.  I honestly can't think of one that I am willing to share.  Generally anything to do with bodily functions, noses, or throw up are high on the list.  The after effects of child bearing also are pretty high up there.  Also anytime I open my mouth to comment.  Enough said.

 Onto some random Livi moments:

Every (well most) Wednesdays I helped in Ethan's classroom getting all the handouts/homework/assignments into their folders to take home.  Livi got VERY bored but towards the end of the year loved being in charge of the handouts.  She would make little stacks and hand them to me when I was ready.  She took it very seriously and was fun to watch.

 Livi's class got to go on yet another field trip, and this time it was one I loved.  They went to her classmate, Lindsey, parent's stables where they train horses for shows.  Lindsey, only 4 was there showing some of the tricks she can do on her own horse.  It was heaven.
 They did get to sit on a horse for pictures, but no riding.  Livi and I both hope she can join our horse back riding in Canada this year (on a horse being led, of course, and maybe wearing a helmet...and elbow pads...and a low jack).
 I was checking out at Walmart, looked up and couldn't find Livi.  I finally found her:
 It must be a genetic female thing.

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