Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ary, Ary, Ary

We have a wonderful video of Ethan when he was about 3 seeing a frog that Eric had brought home from fishing. Ethan looks in and says "Ary, Ary, Ary," while signing "scary." (translation: "very, very scary").
It's been that kind of week for me.
Eric quit his job...
His wonderful benefits, government job...
In the worst economy we have been alive for...

I do understand why we are doing this. I do understand he isn't paid enough. I understand there is no room for growth at his job. I understand he wants to be his own boss. I UNDERSTAND all of this on an intellectual level, but it is still "ary, ary, ary."

So to lighten our (my) moods here is Ella's class doing the BEST rendition of "I'm a little teapot" I have EVER seen!!!! No joke! Ella's on the top row, and I think her snobby, British pose is the best!


Heather said...

cute cute video.

Good luck with the change in job. I can certainly understand some trepidation on your part. keep us posted.

Joan said...

I was hoping you had posted the video of Ethan and the frog. Maybe some other time. Keep your chin up, I think the move for Eric is a good one -- at least I hope it is. Oh, and I loved the Little Teapot song. Nice job to Ella and her class.

Julia said...

Haha, I loved that frog video! I told McKay about it, and "ary ary ary" is one of our phrases we use regularly.

I'm sure Eric will be a wonderful business-man-lawyer-thingy, too! He's very smart and motivated. And he has Dad to ask if he has any snags to figure out.

Susan said...

I know (bold and underlined) Heavenly Father knows who you are! Things will work out. Wait and see! (In the mean time, consider the lilies of the field and the birds in the sky.)

The Quick Cricket said...

THat is so adorable. I really want to copy that song to do at preschool next year. It is so cute! Good luck with your new adventures. I hope everything will work out soon. I know it will work out, I just will pray it is soon.

Michelle said...

Ooh. That is very scary. I really hope it works out well for you (and him).

flavialou said...

Wow, Nicole! That is a big change! Wishing you guys the best--I'm sure you will do great! Here's to a new chapter (lifting my teacup.)

P.S. A very merry unbirthday to you!!!