Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm Not Sure I'm Getting My Moneys Worth...

Olivia started preschool at the YMCA last month, and honestly I am a little skeptical.  Not only is the class size WAY to big, but this is a conversation I had with Livi last week:

To preface, they do Bible stories every week. I thought they had talked about Noah, but it really was Moses, which almost makes it sadder.

Me: What did you talk about today? Was it Noah?
Livi: Yes
Me: Did you talk about the ark?
Livi: What are you talking about? (unfortunately she really does say that too me, and with a lovely bit of sass)
Me: Noah...he built an ark...put all the animals on it.  We've talked about it in Home Evening.  The ark... a boat???
Livi: No Mommy, it wasn't an ark, it was a pirate ship.
Me: What...Huh??? Noah wasn't a pirate.
Livi: YES!!! He was pirate and he went and got things.  We wouldn't be here, but he had a pirate ship.

Later I went through her bag and found this:
I guess Christopher Columbus' boat does look a little like a pirate ship.

Also we have what can only call the prayer of allegiance:


Julia said...

HAHAHA! I love it!

Joan said...

I love Livi's version of the pledge of allegiance. So cute and hilarious. We need the Holy Ghost and Jesus in our pledge!

Anonymous said...

Oh...she's adorable.

Heather said...

Columbus, Noah, it's all the same! hahaha.

Best pledge of allegiance ever!