Saturday, December 8, 2012

I'm Dreaming of Rockin' Around a White (Trash) Christmas Tree

I know most people like their Christmas trees to be a well decorated masterpiece with lights evenly spaced, delicate ornaments, and strategically placed bows.  I think those are wonderful, but when looking at my house with homemade kids projects, hand drawn artwork, and teal walls, those would look pretty silly sitting in my living room.  It would be like putting a crystal chandelier in a mobile home.
Yep, we are basically Hill Billies.
  When ever we go on a trip we pick up an ornament to remind us of the good time we had. I get a new castle ornament every Christmas time at Disneyland.  We get ornaments when we move to a new area that reflects that town.  The kids bring home new treasures every year from school that we add on. It is a hodge-podge of colors, shapes, and memories, but it is 100% me.  I love it, and it makes me so happy.
The kids get to help out putting on lights, and placing their special ornaments.
 We talk about where we got them, and what they mean as we put them up. We share stories and jokes. Everyone laughs and has a good time, everyone except...

 Poor Tonks.  She didn't quite understand what was going on.  She kept trying to crawl in our laps and moped about like a...well..a little lost dog. 

 Our finished product:
  What, you may say, is going on with our angel on top?  Well a few years ago my Dad showed Ethan that if you cut straws and put them on the candles the angel is holding you have an instant Jedi Angel.  Thanks Dad for our new tradition, and Andrew for the following quote:

"And the angel said to the shepherds, fear not, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."


Julia said...

I totally agree. Probably because we were both raised with that kind of tree, haha. I LOVE decorating the tree at mom and dad's because it does bring up so many memories. I love seeing the ones that represent old pets, and our elementary school photos. The themed trees are nice, but they feel so impersonal to me; they could belong to anyone. Our trees tell a story. An awesome story.

Anonymous said...

Your tree is beautiful! I do feel sorry for Tonks though.
arf, arf Tonks :)