Friday, September 20, 2013

Thankfulness...Maybe OTBS is Better (Easier)

Thankfulness is proving to be a little more than I can handle right now, at least on a daily, big scale. I've decided if I can't be out right thankful I might as well take the hard things going on and do what my mom always does and look On The Bright Side. 

On The Bright Side, or OTBS as it shall hence forth be known, is amazing because no matter how bad something is you can always find one (even if they do turn out a little morbid sometimes). So here it goes:

Yesterday I got stung by a bee.  OTBS Ella had been FREAKING out every time she saw a bee and I was able to show her that even if the worst happens, a bee stings her, it's not much worse than a mosquito bite. 

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