Sunday, April 27, 2014

A YM Activity Made In Heaven For Eric (For Me It Would Have Been From Somewhere Lower)

In the fall Eric was moved from Scoutmaster to a counselor in Young Mens.  He's a great leader and diligently goes every week, but the last week in January I think was his favorite activity ever.
I got a text message from the Young Women's president saying he was running around, showing the kids the best moves.  He was like the Scrabble Puppet Master.
There were technically two teams, but it was basically Eric playing against himself, moving kids around like little pawns on the giant board.  For me it would have been torture, but I'm glad he had a good time.


Unknown said...

Sounds like they have a fun, dedicated YM counselor.

Joan said...

Eric really does love that game and he is good at it. No wonder he liked that activity. He looks pleased as he sits in the middle of the game.