Saturday, September 20, 2008

EXTRAcurricular Activities

Well the kids have started school, and with the start of school comes all the extras that are available. I let the kids pick one activity to be involved with and they both picked ballet. Eric nixed this idea and so Ethan is doing soccer again, and Eric is coaching his team once again. Ethan is a good sport, but I don't think his heart is in it. Like his mom, Ethan cannot see the joy in running back and forth, over and over and over again, just to swarm around a little ball and hopefully touch it with your toe. He said he would like to try T-ball next time, since it has less running. He is actually a good runner, I think he just doesn't like the contact aspect of soccer. Ella started ballet, and seems to like it, but I doubt I am going to be able to live my dancing dreams through her. She is actually a better soccer player than Ethan (sorry, but true). She can dribble faster and kick harder than any of the boys on his team. She seems to take after her Aunt Cheryl. I guess next year Eric can coach her team. Ella does like dancing, but is impatient with not doing turns and leaps yet. She loves tapping her tap shoes and making noise. Oh well, maybe this next baby will provide me with the dancer I crave.
Eric is a great coach and is so patient with the boys. We have one little boy that runs once across the field and immediately collapses in a heap. Needless to say he is a bit of a trial, but Eric never looses his cool. He is also the scoutmaster for the 11 year old scouts, and so far they haven't once played basketball (GO Eric!).

I, meanwhile, am slowly going crazy. We all know when I was pregnant with Ethan I had to eat 5 grams of fat or less a day because of my gallbladder. With Ella I gave up all dairy (most breads are made with milk). With this baby I thought it would be easy, but I was mistaken. Because I hadn't tried this particular diet yet my body thought it would be fun to have gestational diabetes. The only risk factor I have for diabetes is family history (two grandparents with diabetes, no one with gestational) and I am over 25. So anyways, I get to eat about 45 grams of carbohydrates a meal. Look at the package on any food and you will soon see how crappy this is. If any of you know of any yummy diabetic friendly meals let me know.
Since I can't think of another restrictive diet I can go on I guess we are done having children. There wouldn't be a challenge in it.Ella about to start dance walks across the room. The little brunette next to her is her friend Maddi, who is 2 months older than Ella.

Ethan playing soccer. This green player number 2 is his best friend Caleb (Maddi's brother). He is 4 months older than Ethan. I guess we have tall kids!


Lindsey said...

I'm glad to see you finally caved :) It is kind of a weird form of communication because it's hard to write when you don't know who's going to read it. Your kids are adorable. I can't imagine trying to limit carbs like that! You should go to one of those Brazilian steakhouses and just eat a bunch of meat...yum.

Meg said...

Yeah! I love your blog. Thank you for giving in too pressure. Your kids are adorable. I love the part about them both picking ballet. You are a great writer. I am excited to keep in better touch (even if just through blog-stalking) with your family.

Sorry about the diets. That is tough. I am sorry. I had to be really restrictive with Lily but only for 2 months. I honestly cannot imagine doing to for three full pregnancies. You are much stronger than most. Amazing what we will sacrifice for our kids even before they are born. Fire? Sure, I'll eat that. If my kid will be healthy then pass over the flaming arrow.

laurdacooj said...

yea! I'm so excited you have come over to the dark side:) I sure miss you (we all miss you guys), and have been thinking about you... maybe its the diabetes bonding... so sorry! I hope it goes away and stays away after your sweet little girl comes! Your so close, I'm so happy for you! Are you ready? Whats going on with life and Nebraska? We had the missionaries for dinner tonight (not to eat, ha ha) and his brother is in Lincoln at UofN for Law School, and I got so excited and talked about you guys alot!!! Hope all is well!! xoxo!