Thursday, September 18, 2008

First Scary Post

AGGGGHHHH, I've been sucked in by the blogging borg. The computer can now declare "All your bases is belong to us." I feel like I was the last hold out to this impersonal form of communication, but I've come to love reading everyone elses as a way of keeping up to date with their families. So with baby number 3 rumbling away in my tummy, I've decided to jump on board and set up a blog so that when I only have a few minutes, or some cute pictures to share I have an easier way to "talk" to everyone.

A few ground rules:
1. I cannot spell, and my grammar is atrocious. I know this. I have been sadly aware of this fact for as long as I can remember. After years of therapy and self help books, I have come to accept that bad spelling does not mean stupid. I hope you can all help me not feel stupid as I write for everyone to see. 2. That's it. That was the only thing I was worried about. Oh wait, no making fun of how much weight I have gained this pregnancy. I mean it, not even to your husband when you think I can't hear. I CAN hear you. 3. Now that really is it.

So, enjoy my cute kids, my rambling, and the updates on our family.

p.s. the picture is from the kids first day of school. It was their first full day away from each other, and I thought this reunion was pretty sweet.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Yeah!! I just found you off of Laurel's blog. I know it's a bit impersonal, and not as romantic as handwritten letters, but it HAS gotten us all back in contact with eachother, even though we're all over the country! It's kinda surreal.
Your kids are so beutiful, not a surprise, and also not a surprise that they're tall! Mine are on the shorter side, it would be funny to see them near eachother.
So glad you're blogging & I look forward to future posts!!