Wednesday, June 9, 2010

8 days a week, 28 hours a day OR Julia's life is more interesting UPDATED

Or at least that is what it seems like when you are trying to keep a house clean with 3 kids. My life consists of cleaning sinks, scrubbing cabinets, sweeping floors and then doing it all again when the kids blow through like tornados. Time consuming, yes. Worthy of taking pictures, no.
Needing something to blog about (to do something other than clean), I decided to share some cool pictures my sister sent us of her trip in China. Some of you may have seen them, some of you may not care, but she isn't blogging herself, so I'll do it myself. I guess they take their parks pretty seriously. This is a park lit up at night that reminds me of Disneyland at Christmas. Hmmm, spend a bazillion dollars to go to China, or spend a bazillion dollars to go to Disneyland. I'll have to think about it.*update* I found out this is not fish flavored toothpaste. It is pea flavored ice-cream. Oh, that makes it so much better! Mmmmm, I think my decision has been made for me. Plus Julia said all the drinks are warm. The water, the juice, everything. Plus they have a corn smoothie. Corn. Enough said.Milk? Check. Smiling Cow? Check Julia's nickname, jujube? Awesomeness!
To quote Julia's email "In China, there are no trumpets allowed, nor cars on fire, nor blue. Blue is just out of the question."

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

I was thinking the other day about one time when we lived in Nebraska and you laughed when I said I only swept and mopped my kitchen once a week. Haha. Now if I wanted it to be as clean as it was then, I would have to mop at least twice a day. And that's only if Bennett doesn't get into the Moon Sand. I don't envy you having to keep your house spotless all the time while it's on the market, that would be so hard with kids!