Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On the Birght Side I was Bitten by a Pig

My hands were repeatedly scraped and cut by gross, rusty, dirty nails last night and in the midst of it all I had to laugh, at least that pig bit me last year so I don't have to go get a tetanus shot tonight. On the bright side, to quote my mom. Last night, while Eric was gone, I tore up the carpet in our living room. I have wanted it done, and although not opposed to the idea, I don't think Eric wanted to spend his very little spare time on yet another home project. He was gone arguing a case in the appellate court so I took the opportunity to get it done, and have a "fun" surprise for him. It took most of both days, but I got it done in time for Eric's return. Our new couch and entertainment tower were delivered, so the new room was complete. Sure, the floor has lots of gouges, and nail marks. Sure there is an area where the boards were replaced, but not stained to match, but I got rid of that nasty, gross carpet. I will not even scare you with the horrors that abound when you lift up carpet, but don't do it if you are a neat freak. So long story short, I redid the living room (or is it family room, I can never remember which is which). I now have an area I can have people over in, that hopefully will be a respite from toys (yeah right). Now on to one of the other hundred things we have planned for our house. I think the porch is next...

1 comment:

Joan said...

Wow, Nicole, that floor looks great. I can't believe you took on that project alone. I'm so impressed!!! It makes the room look completely different. Go Nicole!