Monday, October 3, 2011

Out of Character, but Oh Well

I am not a person to forward emails, send on chain letters, or pass on random stuff in general, but every once in a while I find something so amazing, so worthwhile, altering that I just have to share. This is one of those cases.

I saw this on Epbot and laughed so hard and so loudly that my family came running from all over the house. Livi now begs for it and sings along. She especially loves episode 3 because of the baby. This video encompasses my sense of humor, along with wonderful one liners, and actually really good blue grass music. I hope you laugh as hard as I did.

I give to you "Guy On A Buffalo"

ps. the other two episodes are on you-tube, and the band sells t-shirts on their site, if anyone needs a Christmas gift idea for me!

1 comment:

Julia said...

I want a video of Livi singing along!