Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mmwa Ha Ha Ha, or I'm Very Good Aren't I???

IT IS OCTOBER!!!! Yay!!! The days are not cooler yet, but the leaves are changing and the nights are crisp. People are BBQ-ing, the Huskers are playing and I am a happy clam. The girls and I spent the morning putting up all our decorations and we are excited to make sugar cookies tomorrow. I spent the time Eric was gone finishing a few projects and I thought I would share because I need the feel like I can actually accomplish something (and I wouldn't say "no" to a pat on the back right now, even if it is from me!).

I was starting to work on our Christmas advent calendar when Ella asked why we didn't have a Halloween one. I thought for a moment then got to work trying to find a pattern I could use. Turns out there isn't really a big market for Halloween advent calendars. Hmmm, who would have guessed. Ha ha.

As my brother and I were talking about two days ago, we are not super great at creating new ideas, just very proficient at making things we have seen. We are not creative genius' we are the forgers who make copies for our own use. So the thought of coming up with my own from scratch scared the begeezes out of me.

I decided if I failed it wasn't like I was destroying anything, and probably it would be fun for the kids anyways. This is the end result:
What the kids woke up to this morning, a stark landscape with pockets waiting to be explored:What they will see at the end of the month after putting up an addition every day:I also made two wreaths for the door, and some VERY cheap artwork to put up behind our pictures from "costumes of years past". I need something taller to put next to it though. Any ideas? I was thinking a leg lamp, but we all know that's really more of a Christmas decoration.


Julia said...

Those look fantastico! I love the pictures of costumes past, I think McKay and I need to copy that. And the advent calendar looks AWESOME! Is Ethan planning on being Darth Vadar this year?

laurdacooj said...

Hi Nicole! I miss you! I was just going thru your old posts totally stalking you and really enjoying it! I LOVE your advent Calendar! I want to copy you- you're brilliant! :).
Guess what! We are in the process of moving back to the A.V.- so I hope to get to see you and your cute, fun fam soon! Happy Halloween :)

Joan said...

Great job, Nicole. You deserve a pat on the back. I am sure that the kids will really enjoy it. I love that you build excitement and traditions in the kids for holidays. They will remember it all of their lives.

Sharonbees said...

I hope you can feel me patting your back from hundreds of miles. Good job!! I love the calendar & it's so fun to see all the costumes from past years. I wish I'd done

Dresses and Spurs said...

Very cute! I especially like the argile wall hanging. Maybe a lamp next to it or a tree branch painted black with spider webs in it??

James said...

So, yeah, I'm late to the comment party, but that advent calendar is so rad! Look at you CREATE! MwaHaHAHAhahahAHAHAhhAhahhahAhAH!

Yes. You rock.