Saturday, August 25, 2012

Nerding It Up

A few weeks ago I hurt my neck again.  I don't know what I did, but every 6 months since the meningitis I have tweaked my neck to the point where it feels like it is coming back.  I probably just strained it or slept on it weird but whatever I did, it was not good.  I luckily still had some muscle relaxants but even those weren't enough to keep the pain away.  I was reduced to laying on the couch, not moving, with only the TV to watch. 

The kids were really nice about me not being able to do much since it meant they could spend most of the day with me watching TV but after a while I got a little sick of trying to find shows we could all watch.  If I have to hear the "Veggie Tale" theme song again I will probably puke out of reflex.  I remembered how much I had enjoyed watching "Doctor Who" with my sister in California, and a new obsession began. 

We had a bedroll set up on the floor so I could move from the couch to the floor if I needed to change position.  The kids, especially the girls, quickly took to laying on it and watching "Doctor Who" with me.  They were good about closing their eyes if it got to intense, but mostly they just loved watching and asking question after question after question.  There is nothing more fun to inquisitive minds than sci-fi shows that don't always make sense.  They haven't been able to watch all the episodes with me since school started, but when they realized the Doctor had changed (new actor) both girls were upset.  Livi kept saying "I want the real doctor!"  We all have become very attached to the show.

In the evenings Eric and I were also running out of shows to watch so we started "Battlestar Galactica."  It has been a really fun show to get into!  Between the two shows I feel like my nerd street cred has gone through the roof!


cara said...

I know how they feel! When the 9th doctor "died" I was so heartbroken, but the 10th was even better so it was a good trade! Love that show!

Julia said...

I swear, Doctor Who is like some infectious disease, you have to spread the love around! About one-third of the episodes make me cry, I'm such a wienie.