Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"Oh, Canada" version 9.0

I am finally (mostly) caught up from my trip and I am just going to rush through pictures because anyone who cares was there but I want to jot a few things down to remember for when I make my photo album.

Funny story: We learned that you take Livi away from home for longer than 2 weeks and she turns into the Terminator.  She destroys your things, your sanity, and your eardrums. Her tantrums were LEGENDARY.  Livi fell in the bathtub and scrapped up her back on the drain.  I was holding her, trying to talk to Eric (he was at home), and she was screaming bloody murder.  I was trying to calm her down but she was having none of that.  Eric was amazed at her volume:
Eric: "Where did she get hurt?"
Me: "Right above her crack."
Livi: Stops crying immediately, horrible silence for a split second, then she wails "I HAVE A CRACK?"

     It's hard to be 3 and think your body is crumbling around you.  It's hard to be the mom of that 3 year old too!
How can something this cute be so loud?

Bailey got a little scared by the thunder.

Golfing on the most beautiful course in the world!  Doesn't improve our game, though.

Trying to get a group picture.  I had to physically restrain Olivia, hence my tense posture.

Throwing rocks.

All tuckered out after swimming in the stream.

The group at a picnic before taking on Red Rock.
James and Jes: A Picture Portrait

One of three pictures taken of me the whole trip.

James' hair had gotten long and he has to cut it soon for school so we tried braiding it just for fun.

Ella and Ethan were so excited to get to ride horses again.  Can't you tell how excited Ethan is?

McKay showed off his mad tight rope walking skills.  We are turning out almost as fun to watch as the Steeds.  Except they put on an honest to goodness musical this year.  It is hard to compete with 50 kids dancing a choreographed dance!  Next year we are going to teach the little ones to walk on McKay's rope while balancing plates on sticks.  Ha, take that Steeds!

Livi always wanted to be with her "Mama Sharon."  She had a break down today, weeks later, because she wants her "Mama Sharon Right Now!"

Thank goodness for Lucy (my second cousin).  She distracted Livi long enough to give us a little bit of quiet time.
My two girls.  So different.


cheryl said...

A crack?! hahaha Canada looks like so much fun and so beautiful. Glad you all had a great trip!!

Sharonbees said...

I still laugh when I think of Livi being terrified she was turning into Humpty Dumpty.

James said...

Man, I love this post hahaha. So many excellent pictures. And photographic evidence that Eric cheats. I can pull this out any time from now on.

Joan said...

I can see that Eric is up to his old tricks! Glad to see that he DID get wet after all. Nice pictures!