Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Squeaky Wheel, My Town Is Probably Haunted and Day 4

I thought I wrote about my "squeakiness" during December but I went back and couldn't find it to link to so I will recap:
In December they switched my depression medicine to an anti-anxiety/depression medicine.  I'd been having panic attacks and things weren't good.  When you are transitioning there is a time where the old meds are gone from your body, but the new ones haven't been in there long enough to be effective.  One problem I have that gets worse when I am not on the meds is I complain.  Not "oh, poor me," (although I do that too), but go up to managers, call comment phone numbers on the back of trucks, and pick fights about greeting card prices.

One of many times I complained was at McDonald's.  Our McDonald's has been remodeled every two years since we have lived here.  This time they put in a line that splits into two to order.  Someone CUT THE LINE, so I stuck my head out the window and yelled at the top of my lungs "THERE IS ONE LINE!  ONE LINE!"  Spooked Livi, wrote to McDonald's to complain, talked to the manager,and...

they fixed it :
Too bad they can't fix the drivers in town.
 On a totally different note (and day) I was driving my kids to the bakery (yay, good parenting), and Ella points out the window and yells "The Tower of Terror!"  If it was about 5 stories taller, half destroyed by lightening and had a cool sign on the front, I could see it.
Day 4: List 5 things you would tell your 16 year-old self if you could.

Wow.  My 16 year old self was pretty annoying so there is a lot I would say, but probably not a lot she would listen to. Plus our family recently got in a whole big discussion about time travel and paradoxes so I would have to write it all down and give it to someone else to give to me, so I wouldn't cease to exist or blow up the universe, so she would probably believe it even less.

#1 Just because your boyfriend tells you no other guys would like you doesn't make it true.
#2 If you just studied 1/3 as much as you will in college you could get straight A's and an awesome scholarship.
#3 Don't go into education in college.  You will like it, but never want to do it.
#4 You are prettier than you think.  Enjoy this body because in 6 years you will have a C-section, sorry.
#5 You know #2 on the Volleyball team that is totally hot and is the whole reason you go to volleyball games? Yeah, you are totally going to marry him.

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