Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Livi's long lost brother Casey, or my baby is just like a golden retriever

How sad, that at every turn I think my baby is becoming more and more like my parents golden retriever, Casey? At first we called her the "golden retriever of babies" because she loved EVERYONE (except the lady at Hallmark, go figure). Since then (a couple of months ago) I have noticed more and more similarities:
1. Her her feet kick uncontrollably, making her whole body move when one of us enters the room. Casey is so happy when people come home is tail wags his whole body.
2. She follows the kids around the house. Casey follows the kids around the house.
3. Livi puts everything in her mouth, and cannot go 2 feet without something sticking out of her cute lips, mostly things I don't want in there. Casey cannot greet someone without a "present" in his mouth, and most things in there are things that we don't want him chewing on (ie scriptures, reading glasses...)
4. Livi tries to steal our food while we are eating it. Casey has stolen a sandwich my dad was in the middle of eating.
5. She is sad when you leave without her. Casey has doggy depression when someone leaves.
6. Livi thinks there are prizes in the toilet. So does Casey.
7. Livi tried to crawl into the dish washer to lick the plates. Casey is also guilty of that.
Should I be worried?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As Casey's "mother" I have to say Livi smells lots better & sheds less! I'm SOOO glad you're doing this blog. I feel like I can still enjoy the kids so far away.