Monday, December 28, 2009

Family Portrait

Well, they are finally here, our family portraits. I had one of my "crazy-daughter-in-law" moments when I saw the group shot, because I looked 400 pounds (literally). The more we looked at the picture the more we realized something was off (besides me). Ryan's head was smaller than Ethan's. Eric looked gigantic compared to Kyle (in the sibling shots they are about the same). We soon realized that something about the camera angle, or splicing of photos was VERY off. Joan was so nice and talked to the photographer about it, and luckily she was able to work some magic. It's still not the best photo ever taken of me, but, deep breath: not everything is about me. I know, I'm still trying to internalize that, but recognition of the fact, if not quite total belief, should count for something. Our little family picture is cute. I look normal (which makes me wonder more about the family picture), but poor Ella was about to burst into tears. She has her special "princess pose" that she loves to strike when taking a photo, and the photographer was not as nice as she could have been about it. Basically no princess poses allowed. This photo is the best of Ella, in some she looked like she was contemplating creative ways to torture the photographer. Ethan was bored out of his mind, and ready to help Ella in her dastardly plans, but Eric and Livi look great. I LOVE the shot of Joan and Alan, and can't wait to print one up to put on our shelf. Thank you Joan and Alan for putting up with me, and for getting these pictures for us!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Nicole, you look so pretty in the first one! And, there is some definite distortion in the big family one; I'll bet they used a wide angle lens so anything on the edges looks bigger.