Thursday, April 21, 2011

"I Twy" In Real Life

My talented sister has a unique hobby of creating whimsical scenes made out of felt. She recently posted one that hit so close to home I had to buy it and put it up in Livi's room. It shows a momma kangaroo being "helped" in the kitchen by her baby joey. I feel like she so perfectly captured my life in this little vignette.
I decided to add a little to color to my life and plant some flowers. Unfortunately, the good time of day to do this is when Livi is awake and boy did she want to "twy." In fact she tried and tried and tried so much this was the result: She LOVED the dirt. She climbed on the dirt pile, slid down the front and dug her little hands up to her elbows in it. Only towards the end did she decide it wasn't the greatest when she saw a giant bug crawling on the pile and yelled "EWWWWWWW" as loud as she could. I also noticed she kept sniffing her hands (in her best Uncle Jared impersonation) and saying "Gross." I managed to somehow get it on film:

1 comment:

Julia said...

Hahaha! Livi cracks me up. Those pictures are ADORABLE, and the video made me lol. And I'm glad you like the feltie :)