Sunday, March 3, 2013

On The Bright Side I Think She Would Miss Me...Maybe???

Me: "Wow.  Livi, wow...can you tell me about it?"

Livi: "It is a worm.  She is in a corn field, and her hat makes love potions and it goes blink blink blink and it makes a love potion."

Me: "Why does she look so sad?"

Livi: "She just lost her mommy, but her mommy will be alive again, just like you will after you die and Jesus comes back and then you come back."

Me: "Will she be okay?"

Livi (looking at me like I am crazy and in a duh type voice): "Yes, she has her Daddy."


Julia said...

Hahahaha! Kids are hilarious, and semi-cruel. Love the potion-making hat!

Anonymous said...
