Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Not Stoic in the Face of Chickens

Ella's preschool is awesome. One of the things her teacher does is have an incubator in the classroom every spring and the kids get to see the development of the eggs, and in the end they get to hold the chicks. The chicks hatched last Thursday, so today was the day the kids had been waiting for, and talking about all weekend. Ella seemed excited when we set off for school. Below is the story of what happened:
Ella is fine when Mrs. Hessler was holding the chick. She even touched the soft feathers.

Uh oh. The chicks have escaped their 3 year old handlers.
One makes a bee line for Ella, freaking her out a little.
The kids aren't allowed to get up, so the chicks don't get squished, but that one wont leave her alone. Mrs. Hessler has to come to the rescue, since I am busy being a photo nazi, taking pictures of her torment.
Ella is terrified by the 3 oz baby bird, but she likes to be brave. She didn't sob, but the tears came anyways. Poor girl.


Lindsey said...

Oh... that's so sweet. And kind of sad. And kind of funny :) What a fun idea for a preschool! How are you guys? Are you coming to Utah this summer to visit us? :)

Pam said...

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