Sunday, April 26, 2009

Room for 5

I never realized all the challenges that arise from having 5 members in your family, as opposed to the PC family of 4. Eric works for the State of Nebraska so he gets Arbor Day off (Nebraska is home of Arbor Day), so we decided to go down to Denver to the Children's Museum. I didn't feel like driving 3 hours down, playing, and then driving 3 hours back, so I looked into getting a hotel room for the night. Little did I know that hotels have an occupancy limit of 4 for most rooms. The kids are still too little to have a room to themselves, so it took until the day before we went to find a place we could all fit (it had to be a suite). Because life is full of fun little suprises the cribs were either taken or broken so we had to rig a place for Livi to sleep, and the kids thought it was so funny they had to keep going over and checking on her. We had to ban them from going over and peeking because it would disturb her everytime the blanket on top moved and let light in. Poor baby, surrounded by end tables and walls, lying on the floor. No wonder she woke up at 2 am and wouldn't calm down until Eric put her in the bed to sleep. Can't fault a baby for knowing the floor is not the most comfortable bed in the room.

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