Saturday, March 12, 2011

Dresses Dresses Everywhere

Hi world, I'm almost back to normal. After a *fabulous* kidney infection that laid me up for almost a week I am no longer crying on the couch and can update the blog. It's been a fun month, to say the least (or most, if you really think about it).
That last couple of weeks have been interesting (in a non-health way). Olivia, in an effort to out "girly" Ella decided she would no longer wear anything other than dresses. This wouldn't be a big deal but we do live in Nebraska and it is winter, so we've had to be a little creative. We've put jeans, leggings, and long sleeve shirts under the dresses, and after having to wash her good Sunday dresses a couple of times I decided to give in and buy a few more play dresses that are easier to take care of. I thought I wouldn't have to buy a ton of clothes for Livi because Ella had such cute clothes, but Ella's only stipulation was that all clothes must be PINK. Livi has decided that all colors are fine as long as there is fluff and skirts involved. Great... Here are a couple of pictures from the last few weeks:

There are a couple of new play dresses I somehow managed not to photograph, but I'm sure they'll show up here eventually since she shows no sign of giving this up.

1 comment:

Joan said...

I didn't know you were sick. Sorry! I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend. I love the pictures of Livi. Such a cutie in her different dresses.