Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day At The Track

On Wednesday the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders all went to the track at the middle school and compete in various races.  Not being a runner myself (I loathe it more than the prospect of being force fed oysters at a rave surrounded my the smell of dirty diaper) I was sympathetic to Ethan not being thrilled.  He really didn't want to run, but all the kids had to run in at least one race.
Ethan, Caleb, and Dakota more interested in whatever they were talking about than the races.  I prefer to think it was about quantum physics and not what it probably was...gassy gummy bears.
Ella's dance had taken up a lot of time this week, so I thought the least I could do is go to Ethan's meet and try and show support.  The last couple of weeks have been HOT, but of course the day of the meet was overcast, cold, and mostly miserable.  Ethan was running in the 100 meter, which I thought would be toward the beginning so I didn't pack a lot of entertainment for Livi.  Once it was clear that all the relays (about 1000 of them), the 800's, and the 400's would come first I was a little worried Livi would have a meltdown...
until we spotted the Bagleys.  Thank goodness Chad had brought Carter and McKay with him to cheer on Caleb because it made it much more fun for Livi, and by extension me.

Ethan freezing at the starting line.
Ethan putting more effort into running than I have EVER seen him put into a physical activity before.  I was so proud!
He came in 5th out of 7, which if you know Ethan, is AMAZING!!!!  We are so proud that he kept up with the pack and even beat 2 other guys!  Good job Buddy!


The Quick Cricket said...

GO ETHAN! That is amazing. I think it is always commendable to put your full heart into something you don't really enjoy. Sigh. . .now to start cleaning my house. . .I hope Ethan's attitude will inspire me to change my own!

Unrelated: The security words for this comment are
Royal ionsxy

Royal sexy ions? I don't know why that is funny to me.

Anonymous said...

Good job Ethan! I can tell by his stance that he really put his heart and soul into it!

Julia said...

Yay, Ethan! I hate running, too. Pure torture. I want to know more on the subject of gassy gummy bears. . . Can't wait to see you guys in 8 days! Not like I'm keeping count or anything, haha.