Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stinky Air, Disgusted Stares, and a Chocolate Trail to Follow

I was whipping up some of Joan's yummy banana bread this afternoon when I noticed Livi acting a little odd. She would run over to my legs, then run away as quickly as her cute, chubby little legs would carry her. I wasn't to interested until I felt something wet drip on my foot. I looked down and...
there was a great big drop of brown slobber on my foot. Well, I looked at the floor close to my foot and found a trail...which led me to a beautiful, messy baby.

I had dropped some chocolate chips that were going into the bread, and she would run over, grab one, and run away before I could notice she had something she wasn't suppose to have. Funny Livi.
As for the "disgusted stare" if you look closely at the picture above you can kind of see the black eye that Olivia is recovering from. She was running in the house and fell, didn't catch herself, and fell right onto her eye. A few days later she did the same thing at the mall, and landed on the exact same spot. It gave her a real shiner, and people have been looking at me weirdly and straight out asking what happened ever since.
As for the stinky air...for those of you who have ever lived by a sugar beet plant (only Grandpa Bud, I think) you know exactly what I mean. For those of you who don't, sugar beets, when refined into sugar, smell like rancid peanut butter. Not horrible if it is for a day, but for months on end? Well, it gets pretty old.


Dresses and Spurs said...

Yeah that is not a good smell, but then I've heard people get use to it as time goes on. I have family that lives by one and everytime we visit I think how stinky!

Pam said...

I certainly do NOT miss the stinky air there in those neck of the barrenness!

Joan said...

Love the chocolate face! Such a cutie pie with or without a chocolate face. Sorry about the black eye. It should be healed before her 1st birthday pics, right? Wish we could be there to help her celebrate.